Quality Inspections
Many businesses struggle to meet their customer's expectations effectively. Without a robust Quality Improvement (QI) program, delivering on these expectations becomes challenging. Make it easy.
We Offer 5 Types of Quality Inspections:
Fit and Finish
Fit and Finish is the industry standard for QI. Fit and Finish includes a visual inspection of the interior and exterior of the home, testing all lighting and mechanical systems, appliances, and doors. Issues are marked with tape and recorded. A detailed report is sent to stakeholders immediately upon completion. To put it plainly we give you the chance to have a homeowner in the house before the homeowner is in the house. Traditionally this service requires two inspections, but like all QI programs, this can be customized to meet your needs. Our Fit and Finish QI includes about 170 data points and is constantly growing and changing based on customer needs.
Mechanical QI
Performance Point can help you improve your customer’s comfort, efficiency, and IAQ in a way that meets your needs. On one end of the spectrum, we can help you develop a simple set of design guidelines your HVAC contractor(s) can use on your homes and then follow up with a design review to ensure your goals are met. On the other end of the spectrum, we can perform a complete HVAC design and then follow up with field inspections to ensure the design gets implemented correctly. Mechanical QI includes any and all portions of the process that are necessary to meet your needs, and we specialize in putting together program elements to benefit you using our proven experience and wide capability. From design through verification of envelope features and testing, we have you covered.
Framing QI
Don’t wait until you are up against a customer walk to fix a crooked wall, catch it before the wall is hung! This is just one example of our Framing QI service. Usually this program includes checking for issues in three categories 1) moisture intrusion, 2) code/structural issues, and 3) aesthetic or functional concerns. Moisture intrusion requires inspection of the housewrap, taping, and flashing systems. Code/structural issues include hold downs, top/bottom plate gaps, hanger nailing, headers, trusses, and bracing. Aesthetic and functional concerns include checking toilet flange locations, cabinet bracing, and accounting for options in the framing like bracing for a washroom sink.
Drain Cam Service
Our DrainCam service consists of a visual inspection inside the sewer line from a cleanout to the sewer connection whenever that location can be reached. We can visually verify your backflow preventers are able to operate unimpeded where applicable. The inspection uses a specially designed lighted, waterproof camera on a rigid push cable that can traverse multiple plumbing bends in one run. Several runs may be necessary to cover the entire sewer line distance depending on jobsite conditions. Our equipment includes distance counters and sonde location capabilities for pinpointing issues with minimal excavation.
Specialty QI
Specialty QI is our way of letting you pick what you need inspected, reported, and held to industry standards. This includes services like Slab Prep QI, Slab QI, Community QI, and Parking Deck and Common Area QI in multifamily. As with all of our QI products our specialty QI services can be reported in aggregate for a strategic view of opportunities for correction and/or just reported individually for a more tactical approach.
Safety Inspections
Performance Point has built a Safety Inspection and Hazard Reporting system to help discover safety and OSHA compliance exposure and inform stakeholders. Our system also raises safety awareness for workers on your jobsites with signage and weekly reports. Keeping safety front of mind is critical to keeping people safe. Schedule a demo for one of your communities today!
“Last month, we ended the month with our lowest average number of NHO items ever at 4.12. This month so far, we have had over 20% of our NHOs with ZERO items. You guys and your team are a huge part of this. Thank you for your hard work, patience, and diligence. We really do appreciate what you do and how you contribute to our success.”
— Bryan Sturm
Why QI
Delivering a complete and high-quality home is essential for customer satisfaction. Homes that have been through our QI program benefit from reduced warranty claims and higher customer satisfaction. Some ways our our QI clients have utilized objective 3rd party feedback on their home status includes bonus programs around our QI score and feedback to trade performance reviews. Performance Point offers customized quality programs and real-time tracking to help home builders and trade contractors improve customer satisfaction. How much would you benefit if you had clear sight into the quality issues most impacting your product?